The Research

This page summarizes publications which originated form the Constitutional Court Database or were developed within the framework of the project „The Federal Constitutional Court as a Veto Player.“ If you use the CCDB we invite you to share your work with us. Please send as an email to datacenter [at] ccdb [dot] eu


Journal Articles

Chapters in Edited Volumes

  • Engst, Benjamin G. / Christoph Hönnige. 2018. Modern Times? Das Internet vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht. InAndreas Busch, Yana Breindl, Tobias Jakobi (eds). Netzpolitik: Ein einführender Überblick. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften: 163-187.
  • Engst, Benjamin G. 2017. Die vierte Gesetzeslesung. Verfassungsgerichte des deutsch-österreichischen Modells als Vetospieler. In: Roland Lhotta, Oliver Lembcke, Verena Frick (eds). Politik und Recht: Umrisse eines politikwissenschaftlichen Forschungsfeldes. Baden-Baden: Nomos: 281-301.

Current Projects

  • Engst, Benjamin G. / Thomas Gschwend / Christoph Hönnige / Caroline E. Wittig. “The Constitutional Court Database: Conceptualizing a Relational Database.“ Working Paper.
  • Engst, Benjamin G. / David M. Grundmanns / Thomas Gschwend. “A Common Policy Space: Estimating positions of highest courts and political actors using amici briefs.“ Working Paper.
  • Engst, Benjamin G. / Thomas Gschwend. “Observational Databases.” In: Lee Epstein, Gunnar Grendstad, Urksa Sadl, and Keren Weinshall (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Judicial Behavior. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Under Contract.