Dr. Benjamin G. Engst

University of Konstanz
Research Group on Comparative Politics
Universitätsstraße 10  |  78464 Konstanz

Email: engst [at] ccdb.eu
+49 (0) 7531 – 88 – 4481


I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Research Group on Comparative Politics at the University of Konstanz. My research interests include Comparative Political Behavior and Comparative Political Institutions with an emphasis on Judicial and Legislative Politics in Germany and in a cross-European comparison. I hold a PhD from the Center for Doctoral Studies in Social and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Mannheim. In my dissertation project I assessed the possibilities of highest courts to exercise direct and indirect power in the interaction with the political branches of government. For the resulting book I received the Dissertation Award of the German Political Science Association (DVPW), the Lorenz-von-Stein Prize of the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES), and the award by the Prof. Dr. Anna und Prof. Dr. Jörg Jiri Bojanovsky-Foundation. 
I have been to Emory University (USA) supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and have been a postdoctoral fellow at the Collaborative Research Center of the University of Mannheim, a research fellow at the Chairs for Comparative Politics at Leibniz University of Hannover (Germany) and Georg-August-University of Göttingen (Germany). I received a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Public Law and a Master of Arts in Political Science from the University of Mannheim (Germany). The first year of graduate studies I spent at the Johns Hopkins University (USA).